Man carrying a box, possibly for offerings, Early Dynastic I–II; 2900–2600 B.C.
Statue of Gudea, Second Dynasty of Lagash, reign of Gudea; 2150–2100 B.C. Mesopotamia,
Girsu (modern Tello) Diorite ? Plagioclase Feldspar, quartz.
Shaft-hole axe head with bird-headed demon, boar, and dragon, Early/Middle Bronze Age;
3rd–2nd millennium B.C. Central Asia, Bactria-Margiana Silver, gold foil; L.
15 cm
Vessel terminating in the forepart of a stag, Hittite Empire, Old Hittite; 15th–13th
century B.C. Anatolia, central region Silver, gold inlay; H. 18 cm
Brampton residents can expect to spend more than two decades on the waiting list for social housing in Peel,
according to a regional report released yesterday."Telling people it's seven or eight years when they walk through
the door just isn't right anymore," said housing
commissioner Keith Ward. "I'm not even sure why
we have the door open."
IS THE IMAGE THAT CREATED SUCH HATRED IN your religion on track if you practise hatred???
The Night Journey of Muhammad on His Steed, Buraq; leaf from a copy of the Bustan of Sacdi, dated 1514. From Bukhara,
Uzbekistan. In The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Mohammed (upper right) visiting Paradise while riding Buraq, accompanied by the Angel Gabriel (upper left). Below them,
riding camels, are some of the fabled houris of Paradise -- the "virgins" promised to heroes and martyrs. This image
and the following five images are Persian, 15th century, from a manuscipt entitled Miraj Nama, which is in the Bibliotheque
Nationale, Paris. Muhammad's Call to Prophecy and the First Revelation; leaf from a copy of the Majmac al-tawarikh ("Compendium
of Histories"), ca. 1425; Timurid. From Herat, Afghanistan. In The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Ascension of the Prophet, also from Jami'al-Tawarikh ("The Universal History"). In
the book of Mark, ch7 Jesus says nothing outside of man can defile him, but the things that come out of the man from within are the things
that defile him. From within proceed evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders adulteries, envy, slander, pride and foolishness.
is the Creator, man is the destroyer. Mohammed (riding the horse) receiving the submission of the Banu Nadir, a Jewish tribe he defeated at Medina. From the Jami'al-Tawarikh, dated 1314-5. In the Nour Foundation's Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, London.Mohammed...another hothead
There was one man
who carved an image of Mohameed out of swine excrement, probably that was sacreligious. According to the "Taboo Numismatics" site, this early Islamic coin -- a gold dinar issued during the reign of the caliph Abd al-Malik in 693 A.D. -- most likely depicts Mohammed himself. The author of the site makes a strong case that the central figure is Mohammed and that the figures on either side of him are Abu-Bakr (Mohammed's companion) on his
left and Aisha (his young wife) on his right. Also suggesting that these now-extremely-rare coins (all now housed in the British
Museum) depict Mohammed is the fact that they were all ordered to be destroyed shortly after being minted, which may have
been the first instance of an image of Mohammed being seen as inappropriate. The coin was made only 67 years after Mohammed's
death (the year 77 of the Islamic era, which dates to his arrival in Medina from Mecca), which would make it far and away
the earliest depiction of Mohammed ever made, and possibly even modeled after memories of people who knew him during his lifetime.
As seen here, on May 28, 2006, the left-wing Danish newspaper Politiken also reprinted the cartoons, thinking themselves immune to attacks from Muslims because they reprinted the cartoons only for the purpose of criticizing
them. Politikenhas had a grudge againstJyllands-Posten ever since the cartoon scandal broke.
the art
of Star Wars
Darth Sion
I love my
newspaper. I am always publishing something I like without thinking about what the other
person is interested in. However when it comes to activating change in society I try to publish the facts as far and wide
as possible with as much diplomacy and taste as I can muster. P.S. please
send me your jokes
Earring in the form of a three-lobed wineskin, Parthian; 2nd–1st century B.C. Mesopotamia (?)
Striding figure with ibex horns, a raptor skin draped around the shoulders, and upturned
boots, Proto-Elamite; 3000 B.C., ca. Mesopotamia or Iran
The ninth annual Southside Shuffle Port Credit Blues & Jazz Festival, which hit town loast
weekend, featured both Juno Award and Grammy Award winners. Headliner Buddy Guy, who has no less than
five Grammys to his credit was bending the beautiful night sky with his searing guitar lines @ Port Credit
Memorial Park. Downchild Blues Band Powder Blues Band Lighthouse,Lunch At Allen’s,Valdy and Kenny “Blues
Boss” Wayne. “We’re talking world-class entertainment,” said Chuck Jackson, the festival’s artistic
director, and lead singer of Downchild Blues. “People from all over North America came to it. ”Beyond that, the
music in the park spanned everything from an homage to country/swing great Bob Wills (hosted by Bebop Cowboys) to Krista Blondin’s
popular Janis Joplin tribute, to Steely Dan clones Pretzel Logic. This year’s Southside Shuffle, received a further
boost with its return to the new and improved Memorial Park after a two-year hiatus. “We’re really building up
great excitement,” Jackson says. “I was playing in Victoria with Downchild, and a lady stopped me and said, 'I’ll
see you at the Southside Shuffle,'
World Regions, 8,000–2,000 b.c.
View looking northeast toward the wadi's head. Excavations at site E-78-3, a
Late Paleolithic settlement dating from 18,300–18,000 B.C.
"The Unicorn," from the Great Hall of the Bulls in Lascaux cave.
Chauvet Cave. A pride of lions hunt bison, one of the rarest scenes ever
found in Paleolithic art. Fishtail projectile points excavated from Fell's Cave. A favored
camping place during the annual wet season, the rock faces at Ubirr have been painted and repainted for millennia. The sequence
of rock art at Ubirr and other sites in Arnhem Land has been divided into three periods: Pre-Estuarine (ca. 40,000?–6000
B.C.), Estuarine (ca. 6000 B.C.–500 A.D.),
Situated high up on the rock face at Ubirr, this painting is believed to depict the Thylacine, or "Tasmanian Tiger." The
presence of the Thylacine, extinct in the region for thousands of years, is evidence of the antiquity of Aboriginal rock art
An early painting at Ubirr showing a running male figure with hunting gear. The thin, sticklike limbs and animated stance
are characteristic of the Dynamic Figure tradition. The original significance of these figures is unknown but some are arranged
in groups that appear to depict ancient hunting practices or ritual activities
The Neolithic period, which began in China around 10,000
Ritual object (bi), Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture,
ca. 2700–2500 B.C. Jiangsu or Zhejiang Province, China Nephrite; Diam. 8 3/8 in.The earliest human occupation
in this region probably began sometime around 40,000 years ago. Small groups of big-game hunters likely migrated into this
region from lands to the south and southwest, confronting a harsh climate and long, dry winters. By about 20,000 B.C., two
principal cultural traditions had developed in Siberia and northeastern Asia:
Human Head, 10th millennium B.C. Eynan/Ain Mallaha Stylized female figurine carved from mammoth ivory.
Description: LP album and jacket for the album ‘UB44’
by the reggae/pop music group UB40; front and back of jacket are solid black; hot-stamped into the cover is an embossed, square,
rainbow-colored hologram on foil, showing the letters UB made out of rock, sitting on a rock ledge; depending on the angle
of light, one can also see the smaller numbers 44 floating in front of the ‘B’ in UB.
Multiverses: Do Other Universes Exist?Do nearly exact copies of you exist in other universes? If one or more of the
multiverse hypotheses is correct, then quite possibly they do. In the above computer-enhanced illustration, independent universes are shown as independent circles or spheres. Spheres may be causally disconnected from all other spheres, meaning no communications can pass between them. Some spheres
may contain different realizations of our universe, while others may have different physical laws. An entire set of parallel
universes is called a multiverse. The human eye might represent the possibility that realizations of some multiverse hypotheses might only exist in the human mind. One criticism of multiverse hypotheses is that they are frequently difficult to test. Some multiverse hypotheses may therefore be great fun to think about but not practically falsifiable and therefore have no predictive scientific value
I was conceived
in New Zealand around New Years 1953, an unwanted pregnancy derived probably from wild drunken sex after some New Years party. Anyway
Annette Forster quit her dietien job at WellingtonHospital and sailed to England probably through the
Suez Canal, as I recall seeing a picture of her pregnant on a camel. I was born Michael George Forster (and that is still my
legal name) on September 21,
1953 in Plymouth. In 1954 we sailed
from Southampton to Montreal. My Canada Immigration card (#193 issued Nov. 4, 1954) as
provided in pages ahead, is interesting in that it provides lots of facts otherwise unknown; as well it shows some officials’
complete incompetence. Several dates are scratched out and altered and even the location changed. Here first, the word father
is mentioned; as payor of the fare. I however seriously doubt that Stan Milne was my father, but I may be wrong. He never
acted fatherly and never even gave me his name. There is a picture on a following page of a 1952? Photo of Annette with a
tall handsome curly brown-haired man. The photo may have been my real dad or maybe Stan Howard; a close family friend until
grandmas (Phyllis nee Fache) death. His last name may be from a branch of the family that intersects with the McBride’s
in Akaroa (or not); as in 1971 I was kind of hanging out with his daughter Jane and was never aware of any family ties.
I recall as a youngster seeing a marriage certificate of Stan and Annette dated sometime in the fall of
1954, they just never bothered to change my name. One of my earliest memories is being in a church without my mom; I believe
that was their wedding. I definitely recall living in the Beaches of east Toronto and years
later found the house we left when I was only three. I recall our German shepherd “Kiwi” retrieving sticks thrown
in LakeOntario and in 1986 had changed little. What bothers me is how I could remember this and
other minor details from such a young age! I recall being alone in the local grocer (long gone) and my mom confirms that I
would go off there unattended. She claims I climbed out of my crib and out a window, but this seems unbelievable. I have been
told I had a broken arm at that time and received a broken bone in my nose, perhaps this was when the abuse started.
So we moved to
the white house, ahh yes the white house it was so lovely. There are films of those days they were some of best days of my
life. It was called the white house simply because it was a large ranch style alone in the shoulder of Bayview Ave. and the
401 When news reached my mom in Jan 1960 of some storm hitting Toronto “like a bomb” that I translated to my New
Zealand kindergarten teacher which as I recall her shock of hearing” we lived in ‘The White House’ and it
was bombed!” I remember that I did believe it was a bomb and not a storm. I am still searching for a copy of my fantasial
escape through “Grimm’s Fairy Tales”, a green hard cover book that had these amazing colour plates with
onion skin cover pages over them. You could see right through the onion skins but it only made you want to peel back the cover
to reveal the illustration of whatever tale was being told. Beautiful fantasies created in bold paintings! I recall Peter
Pan with his hands on his hips saying “I won’t grow up!” and at that tender age deciding “I’m
with you Peter Pan. I won’t grow up” and I never have. Today my 14 year old daughter asked why babies always look
at me and after some joking I told her it was because I am still only 4 years old. On that subject yes it appears babies and
old people are attracted to me generally speaking. Personally I believe it has to do with my internal nature (? spirit?) which
unexplainably seems quite different than most. I digress. I had a cowboy outfit that Wild Bill himself would have lusted after.
Double leather holsters, leg tie straps for quick draws, two pearl handled cap revolvers with loadable silver (simulated)
bullets. Real cowhide and cow hair matching chaps and vest. I even had a belt with a pop-out buckle of a single shot cap pistol.
At that time I also believed I could fly like Superman; so with towel around my neck I flew off furniture. Even while performing
thus I really believed I was actually flying and would proclaim that I had flown from the bedroom hallway to the kitchen.
To this day if I look back and see what that kid saw, I have to agree that I WAS flying. I put this down however to an extremely
fertile imagination.
To tell this story
best I must confess throughout the telling too many other “GREAT EVENTS” that have occurred and continue to occur
in my life. It was at Bayview where I got to pick my pet dog Mary from a station wagon full of puppies. I also recall belts
my grandma sent Chris and I from NZ with moving scenes of cowboys etc I also had a mechanical horse that I loved and brushed
his hemp rope mane. Jeff and Reid Aitken lived down the street and we played hero where I would battle for their sisters’
hand. Mom used to sing songs like baby baby have a sniff on me cause green is the colour of the cocaine bean…when I
die paint my tombstone green cause green is the colour of the cocaine bean, I met an Indian maiden who stood about 6 foot
high, her nose was painted sky blue pink and she only had one eye. She made signs that she loved me, that she’d be mine
for life; but I wonder what my mama would say if I married an Indian wife, for it was kinkajou joeI grow joe the mongreljippy jippy jok and a jippy jippy jok
and a funny little tokum box drat drat take it out of that funny little tokum box, and a froggie went a wooing go ahoo ahoo
a froggie went a wooing go ahoo ahoo he went on down to the old oak tree ahoo ahoo he sat miss mouse upon his knee ahoo ahoo
and he said miss mouse will you marry me ahoo ahoo. And when will the wedding breakfast be ahoo ahooseptember 4th at half past three And what will the wedding breakfast be ahoo ahoo
a slice of cake
and a cup of tea ahoo ahoo And where will the wedding breakfast be ahoo ahoo oh down in the hollow of the old oak tree ahoo
ahoo the first to come wasMrs. Moth ahoo ahoo she came to lay the table cloth
ahoo ahoo the next to come was Major Dick ahoo ahoo he ate so much that he got sick ahoo ahoo the next to come was Doctor
Fly ahoo ahoo in case poor Major Dick should die ahoo ahoo they all went sailing down the lake and got gobbled up by a big
fat drake ahoo ahoo I remember crying one night probably Dec 1959 mom asked why
cause we are going to NZ and we will miss Santa. We indeed went to NZ, my mom brother and sister sans Stan. We flew on the
first cross Canada jet and I remember we received commemorative wine glasses in boxes placed on our
seats when we boarded. I recall visiting Disneyland and sailing on a ship to New Z seeing ‘flocks’ of flying fish. I have
tried to remember the name of the ship but can’t the SS Anne or something. I went to school in two schools one in Akaroa
a true paradise and Roseneath in Wellington. At Akaroa at 6 I learnt to ride a bike in the front yard of “the Glen”
which they referred to as the ‘tennis court’ though I was sure no one had ever played tennis on it. Then I began
to ride to school at least a mile away. Descending on this one steep gravel road hill every day I would pull on the hand brake
and immediately fly off over the handlebars. This happened day after day. I never knew until I was an adult that I was locking
up the front wheel each time. My knees were a mess with scabs on top of scabs. At lunch time I would go into town and buy
fish and chips wrapped in newspaper which I felt made them taste better. We had a school Olympics and I received a team singlet
which I was so proud of as well as my grey leather lederhosen shorts with carved ivory elephant on chest flap. At Akaroa I
had a bee collection which I kept in a cage. I got stung a lot, also I used to catch crabs under rocks on the beach by the
house (there were millions of them) and I recall a tiger skin on the living room floor. I believe it may have been the one
mentioned as coming from Burmah (Myanmar) from GC/s brother. One morning when getting up late Paddy McBride carried me down
to the bay and threw me in pjs and all. This may have begun my dislike of rising early.
Next it was on
to Wellington where I attended Roseneath Primary. I recall a helicopter landing in the school
yard. No-one has yet positively confirmed this nor have I discovered its purpose. Years later my grandma (a saint of a woman)
recalled a time when I brought home a boy to show my grandma how he could squeak like a mouse. Years later when I returned
to NZ I worked part time at Woolworthswarehouse and was befriended by Chris
Walker (actually he admits that he spied on where I lived and then talked to me as we were soon both to be in 6th
form at Wellington College. Anyway as 17 year olds one of our trips brought us close to Roseneath and somehow I recognized
it and told him I attended there briefly 11 years before. So did I he said. We deduced that we were in the same class then
and when discussing it with Grandma she felt he kind of resembled the squeaking mouse boy! If true it seems like an almost
unbelievable coincidence! My grandma bought me a leather back satchel, into which she put a container of lemonade every day.
We still had that satchel in our attic in Wildwood (Ontario) years later and I would take it out to smell the still present odours of that sweet
elixir lemonade. I recall a long train trip I took with Arch, no idea what we were doing but I recall he loved to hear my
Americanesque drawl of ‘grandpa’, and that I was into barking like a dog he diplomatically telling me that dogs
were not allowed on the train. He and the conductor had a good laugh over that one. Perhaps this was the start of my enjoyment
of making people laugh. Our ship that brought us back to America was docked
just below my grandmas house and when boarding I asked about the sword Arch promised I could have. We will mail it to you
and sure enough about 6 years later it arrived. Ownership became an issue later on but hopefully I will tell of that at its
proper time.
So we sailed from NZ. I recall many stops at island paradises. I should investigate the route for actual
itinerary, I recall seeing flying fishNeptune’s visit as we crossed the
equator swimming in redpop and lots of candy There was kid activities set up daily and I made some stitching which my mom
kept. I want that back as much as any priceless treasure.Next thing I recall is living cramped up in a cottage type motel
beside ApplebyCollege in OakvilleOntario as mom apparently had reunited with her husband Stan. We moved into another ranch
style house on Birch Hill Lane, #79. Tommy Bath lived through the woods and across the creek 3 minutes run away.
He was my best friend. We often played down by LakeOntario even in winter when big chunks of ice the size of houses pushed their way onto the
shore. We once found a $20 bill. We bought smokes, wieners, marshmallows and candies; went down to the lake, had afire and
as great a party as anyone ever has had. By grade 2 I had decided to win Heather Cook as my girlfriend so I took guitar lessons.
I wanted to be like Hank Snow but the teacher said my fingers were too little and I must play slide guitar. I was never content
on slide though the sound occasionally made me feel alright. I was invited for lunch at the home of my sweetheart one day
and to really impress her I found a dead mouse on the way to school and threw it on her. Of course she screamed, but when
we got to school she told the teacher and soon I was in the principal’s office. If this was my only visit to that
principal then we must have had eggs for lunch as after a stern talk he told me to go wash my face as there was egg on it.
During these days I delivered the Hamilton Spectator. ApplebyCollege was a customer and the ladies in the kitchen always fed me pie, cake and cookies. I loved those ladies. I really don’t
know how I remembered my route or made change as I was only eight, but I did! During this time is when I began to be a collector
of things. My grandma would send me stamps and I was awed by their individual beauty and I enjoyed cataloging and displaying
them. I had many books of them but they were all confiscated by my mom. The collection would have a great value by now. I
have sincehad collections that have spun out of control; from business cards,
match packs, stickers, crests, pens, fridge magnets, lighters, coins, hockey pucks and sweaters, motorcycles, hats, postcards,
holograms and women. I still keep just a few 45 records as well as lps, beta vhs and audio tapes though I do not use
them. I also kept all the art of my daughter Mirielle as well as all the court records of the battle for her custody.
In Oakville
I recall spending endless hours playing a Burl Ives album over and over. He was one of my first heroes. I sang with the record
and still know every note and nuance of that album, from oogie woogie bee to it takes a worried man. Coincidentally, I found
out much later that he was a personal friend of my grandparents and had even slept in their spare room. I have a picture of
them together in a rowboat in NZ. After grade 3 our family moved to ten acres out in the wilds of Georgetown
called Wildwood Manor. The problem was the family left me behind. Some neighbour (the Snoffels?) called around and some 8
hours later the family came and picked me up. Once out of Oakville I never returned or saw my friends
again which has been a constant problem with my life on the move; however in 1997, early for a meeting in Oakville, I
went around my old neighbourhood. I left a note at the house I believed was Heathers house and 3 days later I got a call from
her! "Are you the boy who threw the mouse on me?", yes I confessed, delighted and yet stunned she remembered, but how did
I remember her full name and address for some 37 years since I was 8? A Christmas card arrived in 1997 from Heather with a
mouse Santa on the front, unbelievable! I attended StewarttownPublic school,
a four room country school. Our classroom was for grade 4 and 5 and they accidentally put me in grade 5. I went and set the
record straight with Mrs. McKelvey my teacher and was given the right books for grade 4; I should have kept my mouth shut.
I was the class clown and as such spent a lot of time out in the
hall. How are kids supposed to get ahead spending hours standing in the hall? I calculate that from grade 4-8 I spent at least
200 or more hours standing in the hall. I got the strap often. Once I was caught doing art for a mother’s day card and
I recall that the tears had washed out some of the art which I gave my mom anyway. In grade 6 our class made a year book “30?
Nuts In A Shell” and someone’s art featured me balancing on the back legs of my chair which I did a lot to keep
myself occupied. This trick often ended with me crashing to the ground. During these years I ran several paper routes for
the Globe and Mail. Delivering in Glen Williams in winter was hell. I had to get up at 5am and often had
to walk crying from frozen feet and hands. When I would finish I was often late for the school bus and then would have to
walk the 3-4 miles to school. I believe I used to hitch hike as I walked. Sometimes I rode my pony on delivery and even at
least once I rode my pony to school. In 1967 our grade 8 class boarded a bus for Montreal and Expo
67 which was awesome. Our graduation dance was a horror from hell for me. I had no social skills nor did I have the first
idea about a public dance.
High school was
hard for me. I felt lost in the big school. My mom was having sex with many of the neighbours husbands, and in fact I quit
being religious the morning after I caught Mr. Gimpel and her screwing on our sofa, I had to serve her the sacraments in our
church where I was crucifer, alter boy and choir member. ALSO I WAS BEING ABUSED PHYSICALLY and emotionally on a daily basis
by my mom. She would come close to me and shout with all her might that I was worthless etc etc. After several years of this
I learnt to tune her out. I could see her lips moving. spit flying but could not hear her. This became a problem later in
life as I would often ask people to repeat what they said as I tuned them out accidentally. Oh the beatings, they were hard
to tune out She drew blood often, hitting me with anything at hand she went through lots of kitchen utensils on me kids golf
clubs, anything within reach. One time swinging a hammer at me she got me in the back of the head which took 4 stitches to
close. Besides the paper routesand school I was running her little hobby farm
feeding and cleaning 20 pigs, feeding horses, milking our cow and the watering, oh the watering. Every year the barn water
froze and I carried bucket after bucket from the kitchen sink to the barn, maybe 250 yards away. It could not be avoided that
water splashed as I walked down into my gumboots. I would work until about 930pm like this and ended up by 17 with rheumatism
in my feet. By 930 the kids were usually in bed I had dinner then began washing dishes. As these were finishing was usually
when my mom in drunken fits would assault me. I never knew who called Children’s Aid but they came by one day and asked
me a bunch of questions. There was no doubt what the answers were as further beatings were sure to get worse if I was to spill
the beans. They never came back but the beatings always did. Children’s Aid were a lousy bunch; at the very least incompetent
at their job. In the21st century I believe they have elevated this to an art and it is completely overrun by sadists who deliberately
foster child abuse. A recent political cartoon shows a new CAS going up between a morgue and a hospital the caption has the
worker saying location location location,
I ran away from home first
when I was thirteen unable to tolerate another beating. I hung out in the woods until 11pm or then snuck back home and into the barn but my mom caught me. If such a thing is possible I think she was possessed
by the devil. At 13 I began working picking fruit strawberries tomatoes and apples and as such filled in a form for my social
insurance number. I filled in my name as Mike Milne not knowing I was actually Mike Forster but I none the less received a
SIN for the ficticous name. I even later received driver’s license and passport in that name. It was not until 1991
that the British Embassy informed me I was actually Mike Forster. It was easiest at that time to sign a form to say that I
wished to continue using this sydonome rather than reapply. I continue to use this name to save the bother. In high school
I had a best friend Bruce Gregg we hung out a lot especially skipping class to play pool. In 1969 I was offered a seat on
a bus to Woodstock, but realizing I had farm chores to do I declined. If I was a year
older I would have said screw the chores and gone for the ride of my life.
A student exhibition inspired by Yoko Ono's Instruction Works won praise from the artist herself Tuesday at its
opening in Frankfurt. Artist and activist Ono attended the opening of Dream Universe, an exhibit by 15 students from Frankfurt's Staedelschule
art school. In addition to thanking the artists and organizers for choosing to highlight her work, she spoke about the importance
of art in today's society."There is so much confrontation and violence in the world that art is increasingly important," Ono
said..In other Beatle related news Strawberry Field, the Liverpool orphanage immortalized in song by John Lennon, has closed
The gates to the Strawberry Field Children's Home in Liverpool
Yoko was a guest on the Conan O'Brien late night show May 3, 2003 on NBC. Yoko
danced out onto the stage while Conan's band played their instrumental version of "Walking On Thin Ice," prompting Conan to
jump up and dance along. (see photo)
Before Conan could ask her any questions, Yoko commented about how
tall Conan is, and said he didn't look like a member of the human race, but rather more like a tree. Then just as Conan
was settling in to ask Yoko questions, she pulled out a black bag and instructed him to climb in. He did as was asked,
then Yoko climbed in after him.
Yoko helps Conan into the Bag...
Conan emerges half-dressed while Yoko stands next to him in the Bag
The audience was going wild as both Conan and Yoko began tossing articles of
clothing out of the bag. We could hear Yoko reassuring Conan that since he's a conservative guy, he didn't have to take
off "all" of his clothes, but just what he felt comfortable with. Conan protested when Yoko asked him to remove his
socks, claiming he hadn't bathed.
Eventually, Yoko had lost her leather jacket, boots and socks and Conan had lost
his shirt and shoes. "Walking On Thin Ice" wasn't even mentioned, other than a reference to Yoko's music now being listened
to by young people in dance clubs.
Yoko made a rare live appearance on a U.S. tv regis
"Derek Miller's new touring band rocks with the kind of aplomb usually reserved for seasoned veterans." (CREEM magazine,
USA) Juno and Nammy award-winning singer/songwriter and blues-rock guitar virtuoso extraordinaire DEREK MILLER has just been
touted in the Year's Best for New York's Village Voice. This nod is on the heels of Derek's making the Top Ten of the Year
in the Detroit Metro Times critics poll, alongside the likes of Alice Cooper and the White Stripes. At #374, Miller's CD places
in the top poll's 28 percent of more than 1,950 entries, tied with Gord Downie ("Battle of the Nudes") and topping Pat Metheny
("One Quiet Night"), Dwight Yokum ("Population Me"), Dave Holland Quintet, Sam Roberts ("We Were Born in a Flame"), John Mayer
("Heavier Things" and Fabric13"), Neil Young ("On the Beach") amongst many others. The results are posted at
In November 2003, Derek won the prestigious Best Blues / Jazz Recording at the 2003 Native American Music Awards, held
at the Isleta Casino Resort in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Derek was also nominated for Artist of the Year, Best Song/Single
of the Year, and Best Producer.
Last year, Derek has showcased at Canadian Music Week, JunoFest, NxNE and at Grammy Week in New York, and recently brought
the house down with a live performance at the Nammys. This spring sees Derek back at Canadian Music Week, prior to showcasing
at the New Orleans Jazz Festival.
Derek led the musical tribute to Robbie Robertson's induction into Canada's Walk of Fame, playing alongside Tom Cochrane
and Sarah Harmer at Roy Thomson Hall last June. The performance was broadcast live on Global Television.
Last summer, Derek played a full slate of festivals across Canada, winning new fans and renewing old acquaintances all
along the way. Derek opened for George Thorogood in Montreal and David Clayton Thomas' Blood Sweat & Tears at Festival
of Friends in Hamilton. Derek kicked off Canada Day at Queen Park and opened the first Toronto Star Bluesfest at Toronto's
sound being transfered into the wood from the strings via the bridge, a resonance pattern is formed on the face of the guitar.
This pattern changes with individual instruments, and luthieres have been experimenting for centirues on different patterns
of small wooden struts
'Star Wars' fans stay up to get 'Revenge'
19 May 2005
TORONTO - Carla Henderson was one of the first people to see Revenge of the Sith, the latest and last
Star Wars movie, when it opened to the general public early Thursday morning. The fact that Henderson was willing to
stay up for a screening that didn't begin until just past midnight Wednesday night is only one measure of the 22-year-old's
devotion to George Lucas's space-fantasy saga.
Henderson, who
studies film at Queen's University, has made a lifelong commitment to Star Wars: on the small of her back is a tattoo
in the shape of a Rebel Alliance insignia, which she had etched into her skin five years ago. "I'm a pretty big fan," she
said while waiting for Revenge to begin. "I have been for about eight years." Roughly 2,000 Star Wars
devotees packed into six sold-out midnight screenings of the film at Paramount Toronto, a downtown theatre operated by the
Famous Players chain in Canada's largest city. A smattering came to the Paramount in costume – there was a Darth Vader
here, a Princess Leia there – but most showed up in street clothes. Henderson chose to wear her Obi-Wan Kenobi costume.
"He's sort of the star Jedi," she explained. As even non-fans know by now, Revenge of the Sith tells the story of how
the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker (Canada's Hayden Christensen) is seduced by the dark side of the Force and is transformed
into the evil cyborg Darth Vader. Unlike the last two prequels, film critics have given Revenge generally positive
notices. Henderson agreed with the reviewers, saying after the movie she was "pleasantly surprised" by what she saw. "George
Lucas learned how to direct. Hayden Christensen learned how to act," she quipped, adding that she felt the final scenes were
at odds with the mostly somber tone: "It ended on kind of a hokey high note." Another fan, 19-year-old chef David Zilber,
said afterwards he was impressed with how Lucas pulled all of the epic tale's plot threads together (although Revenge
is the sixth film to be made, it falls third in the Star Wars timeline).
Photo Caption: "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters":
let me get a ride in your Mazzaratti when you ah-hem get your $$$$. Ha-ha-ha oh thats a funny one, oh my sides are
aching, I just had a tooth pulled, stop making me laugh, its making my gums bleed more.....
Hope everything is on 4 Fri. I will try to arrive 4 ish.... was marooned by bus service got home like 230 am walked
for miles last Fri. I will carry cell & taxi # next time.
I believe I have figured out and can play that base pattern for Black Magic Woman,not sure how many repeats before the
awesome pattern the bass plays to
Got a black magic woman Got a black magic woman I’ve got a black
magic woman Got me so blind I can’t see That she’s a black magic woman She’s trying to make a devil out
of me Don’t turn your back on me baby Don’t turn your back on me baby Yes don’t turn your back on
me baby Stop messing ’round with your tricks Don’t turn your back on me baby You just might pick up my magic
sticks Got your spell on me baby Got your spell on me baby Yes you got your spell on me baby Turning my heart into stone I
need you so bad, magic woman I can’t leave you alone
Oye como va mi ritmo Bueno pa gosar mulata Oye como va mi ritmo Bueno
pa gosar mulata
Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far. Shine on you crazy
diamond. Pile on many more layers and I’ll be joining you there. Shine on you crazy diamond. And we’ll
bask in the shadow of yesterday’s triumph, And sail on the steel breeze. Come on you boy child, you winner and
loser, Come on you miner for truth and delusion, and shine!
[01:35]so, so you think you can tell [01:41]heaven from hell,5]blue skys from pain.9]can you tell a green field3]from a cold steel rail? ]a smile
from a veil? ]do you think you can tell? ]and did they get you to trade]your heros for ghosts? ]hot ashes for trees? ]hot
air for a cool breeze? ]cold comfort for change? ]and did you exchange]a walk on part in the war]for a lead role in a cage?
Money, get away. Get a
good job with good pay and you’re okay. Money, it’s a gas. Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash. New
car, caviar, four star daydream, Think I’ll buy me a football team. Money, get back.I’m all right jack keep
your hands off of my stack. Money, it’s a hit. Don’t give me that do goody good bullshit. I’m in the
high-fidelity first class traveling set And I think I need a lear jet.
Money, it’s a crime. Share it fairly but
don’t take a slice of my pie. Money, so they say Is the root of all evil today. But if you ask for a raise it’s
no surprise that they’re Giving none away. Huhuh! I was in the right! Yes, absolutely in the right! I certainly was
in the right! You was definitely in the right. that geezer was cruising for a Bruising! Yeah! Why does anyone do anything?
I don’t know, I was really drunk at the time! I was just telling him, he couldn’t get into number 2. he
was asking Why he wasn’t coming up on freely, after I was yelling and Screaming and telling him why he wasn’t
coming up on freely. It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out
Well, I dreamed I saw the
knights In armor coming, Saying something about a queen. There were peasants singing and Drummers drumming And the archer
split the tree. There was a fanfare blowing To the sun That was floating on the breeze. Look at mother nature on the run In
the nineteen seventies. Look at mother nature on the run In the twenty first century. I was lying in a burned out basement
With the full moon in my
eyes. I was hoping for replacement When the sun burst thru the sky. There was a band playing in my head And I felt like
getting high. I was thinking about what a Friend had said I was hoping it was a lie. Thinking about what a Friend had said
I was hoping it was a lie. Well, I dreamed I saw the silver Space ships flying In the yellow haze of the sun, There
were children crying And colors flying All around the chosen ones. All in a dream, all in a dream The loading had begun.They
were flying mother nature’s Silver seed to a new home in the sun. Flying mother nature’s Silver seed to a new
home. (in the sun)
selling big band records and chart-topping singles. He is the winner of six Juno Awards.
Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell's first paid performance was at The Louis Riel in Saskatoon in 1962. Mitchell says "I
started making music in Saskatchewan mostly up at the northern lakes, up around Lake Waskesiu…it was just self-entertainment
with the gang then." Mitchell's "self-entertainment" has since evolved into a style beloved the world over.
Juno awards there
the dark force has spoken!
We all know what fanatics Star Wars fans can be. Ever since George
Lucas' first epic appeared in 1977, devotees have patiently begun vigils anxiously awaiting the next episode. On May 19th/05,
the prayers of the faithful will be answered, when Revenge of the Sith opens across North America. Several people have
already started to line up outside an L.A. theatre in anticipation of being the first to see the flick. Eleven followers have
taken up residence outside the famous Grauman's Chinese Theatre to spend their Star Wars days and Jedi nights waiting for
the flick to debut. At least one has come from as far away as Australia just to sit there for seven weeks. The force may not
be with them. Officials insist they're at the wrong movie palace. 20th Century Fox has decided to show the film at a cinema
called the ArcLight theatre instead. Title: Mona
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Buffy Sainte-Marie is an artist of remarkable accomplishment. Her career has spanned three decades since her emergence
in the 1960s. During this time, she has been a clear and certain voice for the native peoples of the world. She has captured
the hearts of millions with compelling songs of love, despair and longing for a better life for all.
- Neil Young
Her Majesty
HNI has been privileged to produce a very special hologram. We were approached last winter by Spatial Imaging and artist
Chris Levine of London to create a very large holographic portrait of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Two photographic sessions
were granted with the queen at Buckingham Palace. Levine worked with Rob Munday and Jeffrey Robb of Spatial to shoot the 200
frame sequences required for our holographic process. These were then sent to us, and our staff produced the 85x120cm hologram.
Prince Charles recently unveiled the first copy at The Jersey Museum in St. Helier. The piece, entitled Equanimity,
was commissioned to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Jersey's allegiance to the crown. Illuminated with deep blue LED lights,
the image is strikingly realistic, quite royal, and yet very warm in its effect.
The Monet Family (1976.201.14). Boating (29.100.115), also painted during the summer of 1874, records a moment when Manet, Monet, and Auguste Renoir painted together at Argenteuil,
a suburb northwest of Paris.
That spring, Degas, Monet, and Morisot were among the artists who
exhibited together as the Société Anonyme des Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs (an event more commonly referred to
as the first Impressionist exhibition).
Poster Patrol
They stand out as the first thing you
often see about a festival in the city of Toronto – the posters. Yet these disposable bits of advertising can evoke
a good time and a good place that even photographs can’t muster. Which brings us to the Artcity Festival Poster exhibit,
a chance to take another look at the extensive work that goes into the ads that are often overlooked when there’s other
things to see. “Every poster is a story, and a beautiful story,” reveals curator Max Moore. “And …
the amount of art in every one of these posters is phenomenal.” All the major events are represented, including Caribana,
the Beaches Downtown Jazz Festival, Afrofest, The Toronto International Film Festival, NXNE, Canadian Music Week and more.
“What we’re trying to show is that Toronto has some of the best festivals in the world,” Moore explains.
“And that comes through in the posters.” Moore is especially fond of the Lone Ranger satire that marked a recent
celebration. “I really like the Imagine Native, with an emphasis on the Native,” he laughs.
the louvre
Louis David 1748-1825 The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Josephine
(December 2, 1804) 1806-1807 Canvas H 6.21 m; W 9.79 m. Appointed official painter to the Emperor
in December 1804, David was given the task of commemorating the Coronation festivities in four huge canvasses, only two of
which were executed (the Distribution of the Eagles is at Versailles), This ceremony took place in the cathedral of
Notre-Dame in Paris. David chose to show the episode following the actual consecration: Napoleon crowning Josephine while
Pope Pius VII gives him his blessing. The action is only a small part of a composition conceived as an enormous group portrait
containing over a hundred figures.
Artist: John Perry, USA
Artist: Frank Stella, USA Artist: Betsy Connors, USA Artist: Ariel Rubin
Title: Bronze Ship
Photo by David Atlas
U2, Guy Rock
the Hall
Rock giants, blues vet, soul men and New Wavers honored
in New York
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame celebrated its twentieth anniversary -- and the fiftieth
anniversary of rock itself.
in a ceremony that peaked with Bruce Springsteen inducting U2 and Neil Young ushering in the Pretenders. Justin
Timberlake welcomed the O'Jays into the Hall, B.B. King and Eric Clapton joined forces to pay tribute to fellow bluesman Buddy
Guy, and Rod Stewart inducted soul singer Percy Sledge.Neil Young offered high praise for New Wave rockers the Pretenders,
explaining that he and Crazy Horse mined the band's debut album for ideas in the early Eighties.
Neil Young
"They went through all the heartache that rock & roll is built on. They lost two key members and they never
gave up," said Young, referring to the deaths of guitarist James Honeyman-Scott and bassist Pete Farndon. Frontwoman Chrissie
Hynde and the band's current lineup -- which includes founding drummer Martin Chambers -- then blasted through fierce, punked-up
versions of "Message of Love," "My City Was Gone" (with Young adding squalling lead guitar) and "Precious."
Eric Clapton
miss the days of quiet solitude...
... the peaceful rythmns, smells and sounds of rustic life.
am writing a poem in protest
to all bad leadership and terrorists
have waged wars and brought suffering on all of humanity, and damaged our beautiful planet. It is called Extreme.
I hope that God will pursuade the leaders of the world to make amends and eliminate the protracted agony of our people and
this wonderful world. Amen
What makes you unbreakable and yet I shatter like a glass
Are you genuinely honest or a greedy selfish pig.
Which side are you on when darkness falls
Are you the guiding light I seek or a dirty rotten scum.
You betayed the only trust I have and all of humanity
Are you a racist or a man in wolfs hide
Or winter in a summer wind
No thoughts for my suffering
Now you are cold as cold can be
Then you are hot as hot can be
Baby you are the Extreme!!!
Man I've climbed the highest mountain
Man I've swum the deepest sea
Man I've cross the mighty ocean and flew across all three
Man I've landed on the moon for you and crossed the galaxy
What else do you want of me.
Why are you picking a little fight with me.
Are you on the Extremity.
I am not a spiderman a wolfman an X-man or
A superhero on your mind
Are you the richest man on earth or poor as hell can be
You spent eight trillion dollars once but not on folks like me
I am clearly not like you
You have my sympathy
You nasty hot chilli pepper pounding on my boy
I can see the weasel in the flea
You jackass don't you fuck with me.
I've lived a thousand million years on earth.
You hardly make the scene
Do you have to destroy all for oil
Take all the oil and all the spoil
All you want is to have some fun
What are you, a night fly or a microscopic mite
Black and White is not all right
Everybody needed to be satisfied
Watch your step and watch your flight
Extreme power becomes extreme might
Life is but extreme for you
All beginings also must end
Look at God and look at Man
You will understand
Would you go to Heaven or would you go to Hell
There are no limbo in between
Except on earth we have a chance
To share the joy and peace
And moderation not extreme.
sent to us by "Anon"
Carole of the Light
A point of light
Blazed across the Starry Night
Searching for the Carole of the light
Where do kindly Angels dwell?
Bramaloka, where all are well!
Tiny speckle of light,
folding space and time
Portrait of the God head planted in her mind
Penetrates the depth where secrets lie.
Today you will be with me in paradise
Be not afraid.
Immortal souls rising from the dead
You are living on the Confluence edge.
To herald the coming of the Golden Age
Where love shall triumph over hate.
And peace shall mark the Golden Age
Happy Valentine 2005
TSUNAMI - 2004
A hundred years of Anger's fury heave
upon the poor maiden of the East.
What in nature’s hell release
a monster or a watery beast.
Destructions suffering beyond belief.
The world can only watch in grief.
In desolations you have made,
a thunderous wave a pillage of disgrace.
Children playing on the sandy beach
are swept into the ocean deep.
I cannot bear to see the mothers cry.
The innocents are not supposed to die.
To God our incantations pray
why have they got to go this way.
Nobody can be blamed
Paradise will not be the same again.
I know not why I have to cry.
The innocents are not supposed to die.
I know how bad you feel about me
I know how sad you feel about me
Wasted time and wasted life, blame it all on me
Forget it, don't rub it on yourself,
just rub it all on me
Let yourself go free like that bird flying on the tree
Do what you wanna do
If its make you feel better I'll put my head on the platter
Life goes on, it does'nt matter if you ended in the gutter
Don't feel sad everybody is'nt that bad
Treat me with some respect like Mom amy gitnd Dad
Just let it go you stubborn cad.
Pack your bags girl, you bloody immigrant
Good riddance, don't look back. Like Arnold I'll be back
You are so funny when I have some money
Where are you now I am broke
I'll be sorry, I am sorry for your loving me
What is left tomorrow is just a story
So don't bitch me do this or do that
Just remember I am not your Dad
Just remember me I am but a memory
So just let it go hunny
Looking out the window pane, I see the Twins are gone
I love you all so much, I wished you were not born
Does it matter right or wrong once life is taken it is gone
Remember Mom and Dad We once you loved them all so bad
What am I to do, they are all gone too
What are you hiding dear, why are you so afraid
What is all this fuzz, in 20 years we will all be dead
Editor's Note: The following paradoxical verse was created by syndicated columnist Cecil Adams ["The
Straight Dope"®] in response to a query from a reader... also written in verse.
Dear Cecil:
Cecil, you're my final hope Of finding out the true Straight Dope For I have been reading of Schroedinger's
cat But none of my cats are at all like that. This unusual animal (so it is said) Is simultaneously live and dead! What
I don't understand is just why he Can't be one or other, unquestionably. My future now hangs in between eigenstates. In
one I'm enlightened, the other I ain't. If you understand, Cecil, then show me the way And rescue my psyche from quantum
decay. But if this queer thing has perplexed even you, Then I will and won't see you in Schroedinger's zoo. -Randy
F., Chicago
Dear Randy:
Schroedinger, Erwin! Professor of physics! Wrote daring equations! Confounded his critics! (Not bad, eh?
Don't worry. This part of the verse Starts off pretty good, but it gets a lot worse.) Win saw that the theory that Newton'd
invented By Einstein's discov'ries had been badly dented. What now? wailed his colleagues. Said Erwin, "Don't panic, No
grease monkey I, but a quantum mechanic. Consider electrons. Now, these teeny articles Are sometimes like waves, and
then sometimes like particles. If that's not confusing, the nuclear dance Of electrons and suchlike is governed by chance! No
sweat, though-my theory permits us to judge Where some of 'em is and the rest of 'em was." Not everyone bought this.
It threatened to wreck The comforting linkage of cause and effect. E'en Einstein had doubts, and so Schroedinger tried To
tell him what quantum mechanics implied. Said Win to Al, "Brother, suppose we've a cat, And inside a tube we have put
that cat at- Along with a solitaire deck and some Fritos, A bottle of Night Train, a couple mosquitoes (Or something
else rhyming) and, oh, if you got 'em, One vial prussic acid, one decaying ottom Or atom-whatever-but when it emits, A
trigger device blasts the vial into bits Which snuffs our poor kitty. The odds of this crime Are 50 to 50 per hour each
time. The cylinder's sealed. The hour's passed away. Is Our pussy still purring-or pushing up daisies? Now, you'd
say the cat either lives or it don't But quantum mechanics is stubborn and won't. Statistically speaking, the cat (goes
the joke), Is half a cat breathing and half a cat croaked. To some this may seem a ridiculous split, But quantum
mechanics must answer, "Tough @#&! We may not know much, but one thing's fo' sho': There's things in the cosmos
that we cannot know. Shine light on electrons-you'll cause them to swerve. The act of observing disturbs the observed- Which
ruins your test. But then if there's no testing To see if a particle's moving or resting Why try to conjecture? Pure
useless endeavor! We know probability-certainty, never.' The effect of this notion? I very much fear 'Twill make
doubtful all things that were formerly clear. Till soon the cat doctors will say in reports, "We've just flipped a coin
and we've learned he's a corpse."' So saith Herr Erwin. Quoth Albert, "You're nuts. God doesn't play dice with the universe,
putz. I'll prove it!" he said, and the Lord knows he tried- In vain-until fin'ly he more or less died. Win spoke
at the funeral: "Listen, dear friends, Sweet Al was my buddy. I must make amends. Though he doubted my theory, I'll
say of this saint: Ten-to-one he's in heaven-but five bucks says he ain't." -CECIL ADAMS